Welcome, Zonophone

The American Discography Project is very pleased to announce that documentation of nearly 2500 ten- and twelve-inch Zonophone discs recorded between 1904 and 1912 is now included in the Discography of American Historical Recordings (DAHR).

This addition of Zonophone discs to the DAHR is an adaptation of the print discography, The American Zonophone Discography — Volume I, Ten- and Twelve-Inch Popular Series (1904–1912), by William R. Bryant, edited by Allan Sutton and published by Mainspring Press. It marks the beginning of a partnership between the DAHR and Mainspring Press to offer online versions to some of Mainspring’s most respected discographies and to the work of pioneer discographer Bill Bryant, as edited by discographer and historical recordings authority Allan Sutton. Coming up next: listings of seven- and nine-inch Zonophone discs. 

The staff of the DAHR is honored to collaborate with Allan Sutton and Mainspring Press and look forward to further opportunities to explore the history of recording in the United States together.